
Awaken into spring!
Transitions of the seasons are energetic thresholds that challenge our capacity to follow the flow, to trust, to leave the old behind, to open up to the new.
Our bodies are the best companions for these times of transition. They empower our heart, mind and soul when we allow them to move.
Let yourself be called out by the freshnessof spring. Follow your movement into the new.
Let’s dance our hearts into the growing light, the warmth and the new.

This conscious movement workshop offers a space for you to explore your creativity, your potency and your art to get out of things that don’t serve you anymore and into a new reality that you might search for – through your movement.
Conscious movement is a combination of movement, breath and music. It’s about inquiring the body and its beautiful way to resolve things on a movement level. It’s about being free and letting your body guide you.
Azul is a form of conscious movement created by Amara Pagano. In the dance we move and follow the wisdom and the power of our body to open our awareness and become present in our heart.
No prior dance experience required. Everyone is welcome to go on this journey. Workshop language will be English.
Come in comfortable clothing, bring water and a snack for lunch break with you. Admission will be at 9.30 am.
Natascha Rosellen is a passionate dancer, an Azul teacher and a leader for various live and online workshops, for groups and individuals.

Early bird 90 € to be paid by March 4th, then standard price 110 €.
To register, please use PayPal:
Register per mail here:
Charlotte: chbovenkamp@hotmail.com
or Natascha: azul@dancingheart.de
Let’s celebrate the beautiful spring energy together! See you on the dance floor.
Awakening into spring
Apr 1 2023
10am -5 pm
Adriaan Roland Holstschool Bergen
Bergen (NH)

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