

Be the light inside of you. Dance with your light and into your light. Bring light to your heart through your movement.

How to prepare?
Download the zoom app on your device.

Write an email to azul@dancingheart.de to let me know you are participating.

The offering is for free and available to everybody. Instead I would like to ask for donations for a cooking project for the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Just let me know you want to donate per mail and receive the details.

Take a space where you can move for 1 hour. The dance ends after an hour and you are invited to share your experience with the others.
Invite someone else to participate. Have some water nearby. Every movement is welcome, sitting, standing, on the floor…just follow what feels good to you!

No prerequisites necessary, everyone invited to join!

Looking forward to see you on the online dance floor!


Here is the link

Natascha Rosellen lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Thema: Dancingheart Online-Tanzen/ Online class
Uhrzeit: Dies ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Meeting Jederzeit treffen

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 839 196 7252
Kenncode: 9TjLzK
Schnelleinwahl mobil
+13126266799,,8391967252#,,,,*770460# Vereinigte Staaten (Chicago)
+13462487799,,8391967252#,,,,*770460# Vereinigte Staaten (Houston)

Einwahl nach aktuellem Standort
+1 312 626 6799 Vereinigte Staaten (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 Vereinigte Staaten (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 Vereinigte Staaten (San Jose)
+1 929 205 6099 Vereinigte Staaten (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 Vereinigte Staaten (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 Vereinigte Staaten (Washington DC)
Meeting-ID: 839 196 7252
Kenncode: 770460
Ortseinwahl suchen: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kXmU1GGY0



Be the light inside of you
Jan 16 2022–Jan 16 2022
7-8.15 pm CET

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