
Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead offers a space to move with loss, death, goodbyes, letting go, transition and new life. To allow the body to move and the heart to be, to feel, to catch up. A safe space to slow down, sense and feel.

Some questions or needs you might bring with you:  Who did you lose? Which idea did you give up? What is not anymore like it used to be? What are you missing?  Where do you feel a lack?What time, what period of your life is over? Where do you feel a void in your life that may be touching, painful, or irritating?
What needs time in your life right now concerning loss, goodbyes and transitions? What has changed during the last year/s? Where do you see change emerging right now? And where would you like to invite something new to come into your life?

This day offers you a safe space to inquire through your body what you lost (or what you want to say goodbye to) and what wants to become alive in you now. Movement is a great way to allow us to feel what has gone, what is missing, what changes our life has taken through the loss and grief about a person, a period of life or an idea that has not come true. Death is a mirror for how our connection is with life. Death can teach us pain, anger, despair and confusion as well as joy, aliveness, gratitude and hope. Dancing all that Death brings along can make us feel alive again.

Dancing with what doesn’t exist anymore can help us express our grief through the body, heal what needs healing and allow what is coming into our life right now. We become more present when we become more aware of death. Our body is the biggest resource as it holds our past, our present and our future for us. The body will guide you safely to what needs attention, expression or transformation and that is a tremendous basis we can trust.

Allow yourself this special time to transform, be held and find comfort and aliveness.

Venue: little gym of the main building of the Waldorfschule Tübingen

Language: German and English

Cost: 110€, 90 € reduced price

Early bird price: 100 € till October 1st

How to register?

Paypal me: azul@dancingheart.de or use IBAN: DE07 6723 0000 4089 7337 87

Apps for international money transfers that don’t charge a lot of fees are Remitly or Wise.

Please also register via email: azul@dancingheart.de until October 1st.

You will receive further information 2 weeks before the workshop.


Looking forward to share this deep journey with you.


Day of the Dead – a movement journey into life
Oct 28 2023
10am - 5.30 pm
Waldorfschule Tübingen Gymnastikhalle
Rotdornweg 30
72076 Tübingen

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