Our body is a beautiful and great container for inner and outer processes of change and impulses to move.
The body is where we relax, where we can inquire, where we find the resources of our power and our joy.
How can you relax into this body and allow movement to help you with this?
How can you inquire through your movement?
What kind of movement does your body love? What makes you really enjoy your body?

Let’s discover together, and treat ourselves with the space to relax, to sense in and to enjoy. Welcome on the dance floor!
Prerequisites are not necessary. Your body, my voice, and the music will guide you through this day of joyful inquiry and fun.

Cost (rent and workshop): 110 €, students pay 90 €

Please use Paypal: azul@dancingheart.de

What to bring? Comfortable clothes, socks, a blanket to lie on, water. Language will be English/ German.

Please mail to azul@dancingheart.de or
to Edith: Lisel asbl : info@lisel.lu           Telefon 00352 621 57 57 07

See you on the dance floor!


Edith and Natascha

Enjoy your movement – dance is joy!
Mar 4 2023
10am - 5pm
Maison d’accueil des Soeurs ´Franciscaines
50 avenue Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg

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