
Flavors of release – allowing myself to let go

How can you let go in your movement?
How can your body support you? What are the flavors of release? What feels good to you?
Today we will explore different ways of release allowing our movement to be fast, slow, wild, soft or calm. We will practice to let go of control and be curious what wants to emerge within our body and our movement.
Prepare for a powerful release experience!

How to prepare:

Please download the zoom link.

Please transfer 20 € to

Natascha  Rosellen
IBAN DE07 6723 0000 4089 7337 87
or use PayPal:

Your transfer is your registration and should be here at latest 2 days  before we dance. You will receive the zoom link for the class the day before the offering.

Azul teachers are free of charge and invited to join, please send me an email that you would like to participate!

See you soon on the dance floor.

Flavours of release – allowing myself to let go
Apr 18 2021–Apr 18 2021
7-8.45 pm CET

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