DANCE YOUR SOUL is a practice of dancing that connects movement with the current of life. I want to open up this powerful space of self-inquiry, inspiration and joy for you.

Individual movement session

NEXT STEP - ROOM for YOU: You wish to go deeper? NEXT STEP is a space to inquire and heal just for you. This includes a little conversation before (20 min) to identify your need/question, the preparation of the playlist as well as the content and the session itself (75 min of guided movement plus a little conversation at the beginning as well as at the end). You can choose between a live session in Tuebingen or an online session.

Get moving together

Workshop / Cycle / Module: A workshop takes about 1 to 3 days and is offered at a weekend. Cycles have been offered so far in Tuebingen. They consist of 5 afternoons that can also be attended singularly. Hire me for a cycle in your place! Modules can take from 4 to 5 days. They are an intense and deep way to explore the issue within a prolonged period of time and they are residential.

Hire me!

Hire me for a workshop in your community. Gather your dancing friends together and let's create a beautiful dance space for you.

Dance Your Soul means...

"NEXT STEP integrated body, spirit and soul with my personal reflections. Following the playful current of the movement touched deeper layers of my soul. Allow yourself to follow your movement, everything is welcome. Natascha created and held a space where I could let myself drop into. A space of no judgement."
"Room for you was a deep experience for me. I appreciate how Natascha integrates her intuition and her big knowledge and experience about coaching and psychology."
"I was touched by connecting to my ancestors through the dance. To notice that my personal issue is connected to my family's history and that I can give it a shape and letting go what needs to be let gone. Letting go through the movement, free myself and reactivating blocked energy."
"NEXT STEP- Room for you helped me to show myself in all my vulnerability and pain. You encouraged me to bring forbidden and denied parts of me back through the movement."
"Dancing helps me to work through an issue on a different level - I develop a new perspective. Even though my rational thinking is is convinced that nothing is changing - there is change: there is a safe space where I can embody my issues on a conscious and unconscious level. The dance provides access to new solutions on an emotional level. The dance calls in my emotions and melts them into a reactivated currrent of life force."
"My individual dance sessions with Natascha are always very inspiring, liberating and soothing. immer sehr inspirierend, befreiend und wohltuend. My energy start to circulate again and I can sort out my needs and resources. I dance NEXT STEP on a regular basis with Natascha and it always feels like a regenerative short term time out for body, heart and soul."
"You allow me to dance back into my heart. You hold the key to that journey and you handle it in a most skillful masterly way. I am in deep gratitude for feeling free and moved through the dance."

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